
Tips on How To Store Your Cloths

I do love to have a tidy wardrobe, because am able to find all the items I need easily. Here are some tips on how to arrange your cloths properly;
Sweaters– Do hang your sweaters and warm clothing in your wardrobe only during the winter period, because winter clothing do occupy enormous space in the wardrobe. You can fold all your sweaters and keep safe them in a box during the summer time.
Blouses– I like to arrange my blouses in symmetric colours and orderly. Invest in good hangers and wardrobe, to avoid your massive clothing falling off all the time from your wardrobe. Well, I am speaking from experience.
Denim– Jeans and denim are very easy to hang in the wardrobe. You can decide to fold them properly. I love brands such as G-Star, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Gucci Jeans, and also affordable brands from h&m.
Dry Cleaned Cloths– There are some delicate fabrics you may not be able to wash or maintain by yourself, you need to bring them to the dry cleaner.
Shoes– I have a thing for shoes, I can advise you properly on how to store them. I usually store my shoes in a wardrobe. You can organise them according to colours and style. My favourite shoe brands from the Netherlands are from The Bijenkorf, We, Manfield, Espirit, Shabies, Fils, Heeleys, Michael Kors, Guess. Please find some of my stylish look here on this link
I hope these tips were helpful!
I love you


Ekene Patience


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