
Who Run The World?

There are so many ladies who have given me little nuggets of life wisdom which have all contributed to the woman that I am today. 

My Mum – She always encouraged me to explore my creativity and never put limitations on what I could or couldn’t do. She taught me how to self-motivate & be grateful for the smaller things in life.  She also taught me to be confident and believe in myself. She is simply my best friend.

My Friends – I have a girl gang that is seriously enviable. My friends are some of the most inspiring people to be around. All with different passions, life mottos and brimming with the best advice you could ever ask for. Every time I hang out with any of them, I leave feeling a little more inspired.  Although most of my girlfriend are in different countries all over the world, social media helps us to connect.

My Manager – My very good friend in Rotterdam is someone I have worked very intensely with for few months now and I have watched myself grow into a seriously confident, savvy, courageous and determined business woman. This isn’t something I think I’ve ever mentioned to anyone as he is always the one encouraging, supporting and praising me but he gives me the drive to improve myself in terms of building a stronger more resilient side of my personality that I often struggle with. When I see how he gets things done and takes control of difficult situations with absolute ease, I soak it in like a sponge! I also have a very kind lady as a girlfriend in Middelburg whom has always been there for me.

Adele – Adele is one of my favourite artist.  Simply for being so down to earth in a world where sometimes her feet probably don’t touch the ground. She has stayed so true to herself regardless of what she has achieved. She is a great musician. Some other great artist are Beyonce, Rihanna, Kanye west and Coldplay.

My Viewers/Readers – I learn an awful lot from those who read, watch and comment on my social channels. You are all some of the bravest, strongest and most determined people I’ve ever come across. Every individual story or piece of advice you offer me has such an impact. It’s such a special thing that whilst you are learning about me and my life, I can also learn a lot from you too just by reading your comments and tweets. Some of my favourite life mottos or quotes have come from twitter mentions! 

I hope this has encouraged you to think about the ladies in your life that have an impact on you and if it has, let them know! 

 “When women support each other, incredible things happen!”

Thank you for reading!

I love you


Ekene Patience

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FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
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