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Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Online Business In 2019!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing well! Today’s blog post is meant to inspire you on how to market your business in 2019! Digital marketing is very important for every business because the world is becoming a global village. A few months ago, I shared with you guys on my youtube channel ideas on how to improve your SEO and sea. In order to have a very good competitive edge, you need to be seen by potential customers. You need to know who your customers are, what they like and what would be beneficial for them. Below are some tips on how to market your good and services digitally.

  1. Create blog contents regularly
  2. Use social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for marketing. You may create a Facebook page for your business and promote it using Facebook ad, by so doing, you would be able to target potential customers from anywhere in the world.
  3. Emailing, send emails to your contact list and also to companies that may be interested in your goods and services
  4. Create groups on WhatsApp and share inform your friends and family about the services you provide
  5. Watch what your competitors are doing online, check out their Twitter and Facebook page and improve your business strategies.
  6. Use Fiverr for creating good facebook banner, twitter header, marketing flyers.
  7. Have fun!

I hope these tips inspire you! If you need one on one coaching on how to improve your marketing skills, please contact me.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Shop Gorrilla’s coffee – Here

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo +31633651998

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo +31633651998

Hiya! I am a mua, beauty consultant and stylist in The Netherlands.Please contact me if you need my services. +31633651998

Ekene Patience

Digital marketing skills 2019

Thank you so much awbridals for sending me this lovely dress. Shop at

Hi ya! I am a  personal shopper. I can help you shop for bed, Cloths, food items, cosmetics, hotel reservation, flight tickets, school bags, cosmetics, food,electronics. Out company ships worldwide.


How To Place A Facebook Ad!

Hello, my beautiful friends and family! I hope you all are doing great! Today, I am going to inspire you and share with you ideas on how to place the Facebook advert. Aside from Facebook, there is also other website to place your add such as Marktplaats, Gumtree, Youtube, Google ad, and speuders.

In order to create awareness as a business owner, you need to create an advert online to gain potential customers as the saying goes, if you are not seen, you would be forgotten.

You may create a Facebook ad.

  1. Create a Facebook account
  2. Create a Facebook page
  3. Choose a nice profile picture and header. You can create a nice header using the services of Fiverr.
  4. Choose a budget and advertise.

I have a masters degree in Marketing and Management. I am very passionate about digital marketing. Do you need help with social media advert?  Would you like me to create a Facebook, Twitter, Youtube account and upload videos and pictures for you? Please contact me. I can also assist in coaching you on how to be very successful as a business owner online and offline. Do contact me if you need my services.


Ekene Patience


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here


Hallo, mijn beste vrienden en familie. Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie. Vandaag ga ik het met jullie hebben over hoe je een advertentie op facebook plaatst en hoe je met de advertentie het beste resultaat kunt behalen.

Steeds meer bedrijven ontdekken de kracht van het facebook adverteren.

Met enkele handelingen is het mogelijk om duizenden mensen van jouw doelgroep te bereiken. Wil je effectief adverteren op facebook dan moet je niet aanbodgericht denken maar vraaggericht, je moet dus denken vanuit de behoefte van de klant. Wanneer je een facebook advertentie plaatst maak dan gebruik  van koopmotieven van de klant, dus een reden om iets te kopen. Hier volgen enkele koopmotieven:

-Geld, besparen of iets verdienen

-Erbij willen horen, anderen hebben het ook

-Gemak, je besteld vanuit je luie stoel

-Tijdsbesparing, spreek voor zich

-Vernieuwing, tv of nieuwe Iphone

-Schoonheid, make up enz

-Noodzaak, je kunt niet zonder

Tevens is het van belang om op te vallen en aandacht te trekken. Dat kan door gebruikte kleuren en afbeeldingen en andere manieren om aandacht te trekken. Dus beste vrienden, adverteren op facebook kan laagdrempelig en is zeker de moeite waard om te proberen.


Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested .

Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested .

Hi dear, I am a personal shopper in Europe. I can help you shop for jewelries, wigs, makeup, drinks, cosmetics, fashion items, perfume from Europe. Please contact me if you are interested +31633651998 Our company ships worldwide


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Model Diana Cher

A post shared by Model ekene (@ekene_p) on

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Working girl in Rotterdam

A post shared by Model ekene (@ekene_p) on


How To Start A YouTube Channel!

Hello, my amazing angels! I hope you all are doing great! This is a highly requested blog post, I have finally decided to share with you tips on starting a youtube channel. Youtube is one of the social media marketing tools out there, aside from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube channel is very important. Businesses can utilize youtube as a means of providing customer services to their existing and potential customers. For instance, top brands such as Prada, Gucci, Dior, Rituals, Armani provides makeup and fashion tutorials using YouTube channel hereby helping their customers! During my master’s studies in Marketing and Management in the prestigious  University of Dundee in Scotland, I and my team members build a website and social media accounts for a company in Dundee.

Starting a YouTube channel is very therapeutic, especially if you are talking about things, goods, and services that inspire you.

You may want to start a Youtube channel by first creating a Yahoo or Gmail account, then a youtube account, you need to upload the video on the channel and then choose a nice header and profile picture for your youtube channel.

I have helped so many businesses to create a youtube channel here in Europe and Africa. Are you an SME’s Would you like me to create a professional youtube channel or other social media accounts for your business? Please contact me.

Thank you so much for reading

Ekene Patience


Hallo mijn beste vrienden. Ik hoop dat het goed gaat met jullie. Vandaag gaan we het er over hebben hoe je een You Tube kanaal opstart.

You Tube is een website van You Tube, een dochteronderneming van Google. Het is een site waar gebruikers kosteloos video’s kunnen publiceren en voorzien van reclame kunnen bekijken. You Tube behoort tot de top 3 meest bezochte websites wereldwijd. Per dag worden ongeveer 3 honderd duizend nieuwe video’s geplaatst. Elke gebruiker die video’s uploadt heeft hiervoor een eigen You Tube-kanaal, waarop de video’s kunnen worden geplaatst. Gebruikers kunnen zicht naar keuze gratis abonneren op willekeurige kanalen.

De content creators  (inhoudsmakers ) van You Tube zijn degene die de video’s maken en uploaden. Een persoon die dit regelmatig doet wordt een YouTuber genoemd.

De maker en/of uploader van video’s krijgt binnen You Tube bepaalde vormen van feedback. Het aantal keren dat de video wordt bekeken (views), als leuk wordt gemarkeerd(likes) of als niet leuk wordt gemarkeerd (dislikes) en de reacties  die onder de video worden geplaatst.

Heel handig mijn beste vrienden: Heb je een technisch of bouwkundige klus, op You Tube is altijd wel een instructiefilmpje te vinden waarop te zien is hoe je dit uit moet  voeren.


TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience

Shop-  Here

Shop my gig – here

Ekene Schoonmaak bedrijf – Here

Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested .

Good morning my lovelies! Have a blessed day xo

Hi ya! I am a personal shopper in The Netherlands, I can help you shop for cloths, makeup,  cosmetics , electronics, please let  me  know if you  are interested .

Hiya! I am a beauty and health consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me for your beauty and health care tips xo +31633651998

Hello dear! I am a photo model and  a beauty consultant in The Netherlands. Please contact me if you would like to work with me. xo Ekene Patience

Make-up done by me




Who Run The World?

There are so many ladies who have given me little nuggets of life wisdom which have all contributed to the woman that I am today. 

My Mum – She always encouraged me to explore my creativity and never put limitations on what I could or couldn’t do. She taught me how to self-motivate & be grateful for the smaller things in life.  She also taught me to be confident and believe in myself. She is simply my best friend.

My Friends – I have a girl gang that is seriously enviable. My friends are some of the most inspiring people to be around. All with different passions, life mottos and brimming with the best advice you could ever ask for. Every time I hang out with any of them, I leave feeling a little more inspired.  Although most of my girlfriend are in different countries all over the world, social media helps us to connect.

My Manager – My very good friend in Rotterdam is someone I have worked very intensely with for few months now and I have watched myself grow into a seriously confident, savvy, courageous and determined business woman. This isn’t something I think I’ve ever mentioned to anyone as he is always the one encouraging, supporting and praising me but he gives me the drive to improve myself in terms of building a stronger more resilient side of my personality that I often struggle with. When I see how he gets things done and takes control of difficult situations with absolute ease, I soak it in like a sponge! I also have a very kind lady as a girlfriend in Middelburg whom has always been there for me.

Adele – Adele is one of my favourite artist.  Simply for being so down to earth in a world where sometimes her feet probably don’t touch the ground. She has stayed so true to herself regardless of what she has achieved. She is a great musician. Some other great artist are Beyonce, Rihanna, Kanye west and Coldplay.

My Viewers/Readers – I learn an awful lot from those who read, watch and comment on my social channels. You are all some of the bravest, strongest and most determined people I’ve ever come across. Every individual story or piece of advice you offer me has such an impact. It’s such a special thing that whilst you are learning about me and my life, I can also learn a lot from you too just by reading your comments and tweets. Some of my favourite life mottos or quotes have come from twitter mentions! 

I hope this has encouraged you to think about the ladies in your life that have an impact on you and if it has, let them know! 

 “When women support each other, incredible things happen!”

Thank you for reading!

I love you


Ekene Patience

TWITTER‣  @ekeneaart
FACEBOOK ‣ @fabbeauties
INSTAGRAM ‣ @ekene_pat
PINTEREST ‣ @ekenepatience



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Happy Newyear My Amazing Friends and Family!

Hello my beautiful friends, A very happy newnyear to you! I have gotten a special combination of Music, movies, games, food  and inspirational clothing I loved alot last year. Lets get started!Recently, I saw a movie of Johny cash documentery and another movie called Matchpoint! I absolutely loved both films, the head actress of the Johny cash movie is Reese Whiterspoon and that of Matchpoint was directed by Woody Allen. You can find both movies on YouTube.

My favourite food I ate this Newyear period, is Oha soup provided by my Nigerian friend, thanks so much girl if you are reading. My favourite music station in the Netherlands is called Soul and jazz, very cool music. I also enjoyed sitting , chilling with my kids watchig playstation, playing with Playmobile, Lego and so on!Please find some of my favourite oufits below, I love african clothing, shopping in The Netherlands from shops such as Steps, Wehkamp, H&M, Zolando, We, Manfield, Hunke Moller,, CoolCat and many more!!! For cosmetics, you can check out Etos, Kruidvat, Douglas and Ici Paris in the Netherlands

Have a fabulous year!I love you to pieces!!!


Ekene Patience














